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Welcome to INTUNE Holistic Academy!

Become certified in intuitive coaching, energy medicine and/or sound therapy!

Blending concepts, philosophies and practices from ancient shamanism, reiki and modern day quantum physics, this course is designed to help you to gain the confidence, skills and knowledge to support others on their path of healing and transformation.


Here is what you will receive:

  • A full year of support, learning, integrating and practicing the art of holding space for others, while simultaneously holding space for yourself

  • Learn the coaching techniques that will empower your clients to to expand into their boundless potential and create the most authentic, successful, joyful and fulfilling life possible

  • Tap into your own intuitive gifts and develop the confidence needed for you to trust and follow your own inner guidance as well as support others on their healing journey

  • Explore human consciousness and the human energy system that is foundational to our physical bodies and how you may work with life force energy and/or frequencies of sound to clear heavy or stagnant energy, harmonize all systems of body and achieve optimal health


This online/in-person hybrid course will begin on Saturday, April 26th from 10:00 AM-4:00 PM.

Here's what to expect:

  • Weekly modules you will access online which will include informational videos, integrative materials and practices

  • Monthly in-person check-ins for connecting with your classmates, exploring the material as a group, hands-on practice and live Q&A.  All in-person check-ins will be recorded and available for review

  • Energy clearing, attunements and activations to support your own personal evolution in this process


Here is the tentative schedule:

Month One - Foundations for holding space

Saturday, April 26th, 10-4

In-person introduction to the course and getting acquainted with your classmates.  Settings clear and powerful intentions for the program

  • Anticipating your own transformation on this journey

  • Creating a sacred healing container

  • Holding sacred space

  • Holistic practitioner's code of ethics


Month Two - Tapping into your own inner guidance system​

Saturday, May 31st, 10-4

In-person check-in, Q&A for last month and introducing the concepts for the next 4 modules

  • ​Identifying and owning you intuitive gifts

  • Expanding your consciousness

  • Trusting your inner guidance

  • Practicing to develop confidence


Months Three-Six - Intuitive Coaching

Saturdays, June 28th, July 26th, August 30th, 10-4

In-person check-in, Q&A for last month and introducing foundations for intuitive coaching

  • Active listening, being present for your clients and allowing them to lead the conversation

  • Intuitively reading the energy around the words that are being spoken

  • Managing your own judgements, projections, ego and urge to rescue, advise and info dump

  • Supportive language; affirmations, reflections, summarizations

  • Asking the questions that lead your clients to their own truth and epiphany

  • Providing on-going support

  • Putting it all into practice


Months Seven-Nine - Energy Medicine

Saturdays, September 27th, October 25th, November 29th, 10-4

In-person check-in, Q&A for last three months and introducing foundations for energy medicine

  • Human consciousness and the form of disease/dysfunction​

  • Human energy systems

  • Being a conduit for healing for others

  • Healing with life force energy

  • Multi-dimensional healing (across time and space)

  • Aspects of self (soul retrieval)

  • Transmuting distortion to find clarity

  • Embodiment (being an activator for others)

  • Unity consciousness

  • Global/collective healing

  • Putting it all into practice


Months Ten-Twelve - Tuning Fork Sound Therapy

Saturdays, December 27th, January 31st, February 28th, 10-4

In-person check-in, Q&A for last three months and introducing foundation for tuning forks sound therapy

  • History of sound healing

  • Handling the tuning forks

  • Working with Binaural Frequencies

  • Balancing the brain waves and nervous system

  • Balancing the chakras

  • Balancing the organs

  • Body work tuners for healing from injury, surgery or degeneration

  • Putting it all into practice


In addition to the modules and in-person check-ins, you will also have access to the resource library where you will find integrative practices, energy clearing, healing and regenerative meditations, information on starting and optimizing your healing biz and more!


Tuition for the course is:

$1111 if paid in full up front for the entire year

$111 if paid per month

Tuning Forks will be made available for retail purchase


* Please note this course is designed to be taken in a sequence and committing to it is an investment in your own evolution as well as those who you support in service.  All investments paid in full are final and there are no refunds for classes and/or course modules unattended by you.  Make-up 1:1 mentorship sessions are available by appointment.


For those who complete the course and are interested in pursuing a career in offering these modalities, clinical practice and opportunities for contractorship with INTUNE Holistic Wellness will be available.


Please contact Anna directly with questions and to sign up

(360) 601-6583

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